Truthfully, they were usually the only thing that made our family torture... I mean, raking days somewhat tolerable. Well, the acorns and probably jumping in the leaves. :) Thanks to my neighbors beautiful, but ginormous oak tree (RIP Judy and sadly her Oak Tree) that kindly shed its leaves and acorns ALL over our yard, raking was a never ending job come September. Its funny how I never truly appreciated the leaves changing when I lived there and now its the thing I miss the most.

Anyways, I'm not sure what it is about them that I love so much. Maybe it's their cute little hats or that they are a symbol of good luck and prosperity. While those points add to my affinity of acorns, I know this love stems from my uncontrollable love for stepping on crunchy things. Oh the joy of stepping on an acorn and hearing that perfect crunch! I turn into a little kid on Christmas. I smile every time and my heart is flooded with a little rush of pure happiness. I look like a fool when I am out walking because I will go out of my way to step on every one I see, making me look like a spastic dancer of sorts. Sorry for ruining your food squirrels, but I can't help myself!

So far this Fall, I've had to work a little harder at keeping my spirit alive as I prepare for the dead winter months ahead. As the weather begins turning cold and everyone starts burrowing in their homes, I am learning to love fall, alone. It's been a harder transition than I anticipated, but I know God has great things planned for me this Fall. I've already bought my first mum (above), made a fall-ish wreath (details in a later post) and have two trips home planned! I cant wait to make my first batch of chili, enjoy my pumpkin spiced candles, pull on my favorite fleece and walk in the crisp, cool morning air. I am making incredible new friends in my community group and in November, I am walking 60 miles to fight breast cancer. Yep, I'd say its going to be a wonderful time of year, but right now and in those tough moments in between, I'm so glad I have those little reminders of life's simple joys.
Fall tree image found here
Acorn image found here