I LOVE flowers.
Growing up we always had fresh flowers in our house. Even now, when I go home I can always expect to be greeted by loving arms at the door and beautiful flowers in my room. Naturally when I moved into my current apartment, I knew flowers were one thing that would make it feel more like home to me.
So, off I went to buy some impatiens that would greet me at the door and welcome me home. I didn't take a picture, but they looked great and all was right with the world.
Fast forward a few weeks. Things quickly start going downhill. The buds weren't opening, leaves were shriveling and they looked pathetic. Despite my best efforts, I had to let them go to plant heaven. Normally, after a loss like this, people would give up and move on... but not me! I looked at the cold hard facts and determined that it must have been the cheap Wal-Mart soil I bought because, well, it's Wal-Mart.
Lesson learned. This time I decided to go to Ruibals, a well known and experienced nursery in town, to buy good soil and well bred flowers. I. Was. Excited. Once I got home, I braved the heat to plant my happy flowers and probably even watered them with the sweat dripping off of my brow. That's actual love being poured out into these plants! They were so happy and so was I.
Yep, you guessed it. A short time later, I realized James Bond and I more in common than I cared to admit... a license to kill. Here are my plants (Round 2) today:
My once cute, window basket.
My once pretty, stair pots.
(The last one has given me some hope because the greenery is still alive.)
(The last one has given me some hope because the greenery is still alive.)
I haven't killed everything though, here is my pride and joy...
My basil!
I really love flowers, but I plan to try more 'hardy" plants next time... probably something similar to the solo survivor above. I like to believe that my 2nd round flowers died of heat exhaustion and not neglect (which wasn't the case... maybe too much love?) I just hope I don't have to face the reality that I might not be cut out to be a plant owner.
I'll post updated pictures of my third attempt as soon as I get back to Ruibals. I need the experts on this one, so I know I'll be in good hands there. Third time's a charm right?!?
I'll post updated pictures of my third attempt as soon as I get back to Ruibals. I need the experts on this one, so I know I'll be in good hands there. Third time's a charm right?!?
Until then, any tips or tricks to keep plants alive? Yes, I know to water them!
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