I've never had my own space to do as I please and this is my first act of rebellion...
It's still a work in progress, but here is my picture frame wall!
It's an awkward wall that needed a little love, so why not do something crazy (yes, making a picture frame wall is crazy for me) and different. After much deliberation, I decide it cant get much more awkward and I have nothing to lose. This wall is a silent 'room separating' indicator between my living room and what is loosely translated as my dining room.

'Dining room' across from the awkward wall.
To complete this project, I have been thrift store shopping for interesting frames which I am (planning on) spray painting white. However, this heat wave doesn't quite lend itself to outside crafting, so the spray painting will commence as soon as the frames won't spontaneously combust into flames. I'm not exaggerating... we are going on 41 days of over 100+ degree weather with no end in sight. Think, the Bad Witch from the Wizard of Oz when Dorothy throws water on her... "I'm mel-ting!". I'm from Kansas City, so that reference is somewhat justified.
As a visual person (as seen in my previous example), its hard for me to look past the taped up grocery store ads and creepy little girl in the oval frame, but I think it could actually turn out pretty well! I'm excited to finish it and then hopefully complete the space by finding a chair for the big empty space next to my trusty friend, the TV.

Shares the wall with my so called dining room.
I think the heat must be getting to me because I kind of sound like a designer or like I know what I'm doing. Either way... I love it!
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