I was scanning Netflix the other day for some 'oldies but goodies' and came across "Pay It Forward" with Haley Joel Osment, who to this day still weirds me out. Creep factor aside, I was thinking about the movie and what a novel idea 'paying it forward' really is. If you haven't seen the movie, basically a troubled boy is inspired by a school assignment.

The assignment: think of something to change the world and put it into action. Osment's character comes up with the idea of not paying a favor back, but forward. Essentially, repaying good deeds with good deeds. So simple!
This got me thinking, which is sometimes a scary thing, that if it's such a simple concept, why can't I apply this to my everyday life. It was actually harder than I thought because I didn't want it to be something that required a lot of me (something that came naturally and wasn't forced), but that would make a difference in someone else's life... no matter how big or small.
My idea came to me the other day during yet another 100+ degree day. Where I live, there is a lot of wealth and a lot of poverty. So it isn't too shocking when I see people going through our recycling bins for cans and bottles to collect for the refund money. There was a man out collecting, but he practically had to climb into the bins for the few cans in each of them.
Then came my 'ah ha' moment... why not just keep my cans separate so people don't have to dig through the bin?
Then came my 'ah ha' moment... why not just keep my cans separate so people don't have to dig through the bin?
The plan...
I love recycling, so I already had half of this 'project' in the bag. :) All I did was add a command hook to the side of my personal recycling bin to easily gather my cans.
What makes this whole idea work, is that I have a serious Diet Dr. Pepper/Diet Coke addiction... which means LOTS of cans! Hello, my name is Erin and I have a coke problem (the liquid kind, not the powder). Case in point...
As soon as my 'can bag' is full, I set it outside next to the recycling bin. Easy! I like to think that the 'collectors' might consider it winning the can lottery that day and who doesn't want to win the lottery!?!?
I don't know if this change will make a difference, but it's worth a try. Sure it's a small gesture, but hopefully one that could make someones day a little brighter. What gesture have you made for someone else lately?
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